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Spend or Save: Gift Ideas for Sisters

Spend or Save Gift Ideas for Sisters

This month we're simplifying the Christmas shopping experience while getting you ahead of the holiday rush! If gift guides are for you, don't worry those are on the way next month! But if the generous amount of gift ideas leaves your head swimming, then this month I'm giving two options per recipient that you can pick up before the shopping season gets to full tilt!

The next recipient we're shopping for early is your girl-Friday, the Bonnie to your Clyde, your forever partner in crime...your sister!


These cozy slippers are designed to fit her personality. Whether she's a morning person and needs coffee before anything else, a girly girl that loves to get done up or if she's a late night, party girl that loves a bloody mary in the morning after a night out these slippers show her style all the way down to her toes! Available in multiple colors, you can't go wrong with this gift that proves how well you know your sister.


For a more frugal option that stills allows you to highlight your sister's personality these tote bags make a great gift! The simple, chic design is the perfect way to gift a little fun. You can gift these totes on their own, or add a gift card to each tote. Add a gift card to their favorite coffee place, to Uber for free rides during those late nights, or their favorite burger joint.

If choosing from all the options during the holiday season is overwhelming, then make a choice today and grab one of these great gifts. You can't go wrong with choosing either one of these gifts so make a choice and cross someone off your shopping list!

Very Happy Shopping!




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