After all the celebrations are over it's time to think about the year ahead. Let’s talk about New Year’s goals and resolutions! While it’s not a gift you give to someone else, reflecting on your year and how you want to improve is the best gift you can give yourself! One of the holiday traditions I have established with myself is to spend time on New Years to gather my thoughts on what I want to accomplish in the next year.
Really take time to think about what you what to happen in the next year. Setting goals is not about tearing yourself down if you don’t accomplish them, it’s about giving yourself something to focus on. So when you get distracted you can refer back to them throughout the year. It allows you to reset every day, every week, every month versus just at the start of a new year.
Whether it’s a list, a mood board with pasted magazine pictures, or a graphic image created in photoshop it’s a great way of preparing yourself for the year ahead. To help you get the wheels turning, here are a list of topics that you can review:
Learning something new: Take one online class a month
Read one book a month
Fitness: Work out twice a week
Stress: Meditate at least once a week
Personal: Call Mom once a week
Romance: Weekly date nights with husband
Spirituality: Attend services at least once a month
Start Gratitude Journal and write in it daily
Financial goals: Pay off credit card with $100 a week
Create business plan for new business idea
Now that you’ve thought through your goals, make sure that you’ve addressed the frequency in which you will work on these items. Notice how the examples above each have a time frame associated with them. Make sure you write down when and how often you can commit to these goals. Are these daily, weekly or monthly commitments?
It’s about pushing yourself for consistency not perfection. You may need a break so saying you’re going to anything “everyday” is unrealistic and can lead you to get discouraged and give up on a goal early. It’s unrealistic to say you’re going to work out “everyday” if you don’t workout at all now. What if you’re sick? What if it’s your Birthday? Allow yourself some wiggle room in your goal. Instead of “everyday” can you do three days a week? This scheduling allows you to move things around and stay on track.
Really think through your goals. Stretch yourself but make your goals attainable if you really work towards them. If you want to write a book, how many words or pages can you dedicate to your book goal a day or every week? When are you going to find time to write? If you say you’re going to write a book, then know that you need to put time towards writing most days. Does that mean you’re going to wake up early, stay up late or work through lunch?
After you’ve written down your goals and resolutions for the new year, take pictures! Those goals should be everywhere you look! Take a picture and make it the photo background on your phone, tablet, laptop and/or desktop. And don't stop writing them down! Write down your top goals or all of those goals every day, week or month. Make sure that you are constantly reminding yourself of what YOU said YOU want to accomplish.
Now get goal setting!