Knowing how to create a beautiful bouquet, quickly, is a useful skill that you need to know. Whether it’s for Valentine's Day, birthdays, housewarming or hostess gifts, a bouquet is always a great gift. But it’s easy to get overwhelmed when looking at the different blooms in the grocery store or florist. These simple tips will help you walk away with a selection of flowers for the perfect bouquet without spending the money for a florist arrangement or sacrificing the personal touch that comes with creating your own bouquet.
Flower Arrangement Tip 1: Stick One Color
You can’t go wrong creating a flower arrangement in all one color. Sticking to one color or tone helps you create a stunning arrangement in a really easy way. Are you picking pink, going with white or is yellow your selection? Either way, grab several stems of a few flowers in the same color.
Flower Arrangement Tip 2: Stick to One Flower
If sticking to one color feels a little “safe” for your liking, then go bold with color. An easy way to add color to an arrangement is by sticking with all one type of flower. Roses, tulips, hydrangeas are all perfect blooms to keep consistent in one bouquet while interchanging the colors throughout.
Flower Arrangement Tip 3: Mix it All Up
Another option is to create a beautiful, wildflower inspired arrangement. This secret to this bouquet is variety. To make this look great you’ll want to focus texture and a little bit of repetition. Choose several interesting flowers and pick at least three of each. Choosing three of each type of flower will give your bouquet some consistency, while choosing several different flowers will make it feel handpicked like wild flowers.
You can’t go wrong with flowers, no matter how you create your bouquet it will be beautiful!
Very Happy Gifting!