Decorations for the holidays can get a bit pricey. Trimming the tree, wreaths on the door, outdoor lights and lawn accessories, it all adds up! One way to have special ornaments on your tree is to make them yourself. You and your family can make it a tradition, so that every year you have another addition to your tree.

For these easy (and beautiful!) do it yourself ornaments you’ll only need a few things:
Empty Ornament Balls: I used 3” plastic ornaments and 5” plastic ornaments.
Ornament Filler Feathers: I chose beige feathers and gold tipped feathers but they have so many color options!

Open the clear ornament top and add the feathers. Arrange the feathers around the inside of the ornament so they create an interesting shape within the ornament. You can evenly space out the feathers or crisscross them around the sphere. You can use a q-tip to reach into the ornament and help arrange the feathers.

After you’ve arranged the feathers hang the ornament on your tree using an ornament hook or ribbon. And voila! You’ve got a handmade ornament and memory that will last you for this and many holidays to come.